Die Norm CISPR 15-ed.9.0 15.5.2018 Ansicht

CISPR 15-ed.9.0

Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment

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NORM herausgegeben am 15.5.2018

ZugänglichkeitAUF LAGER
Preis466.10 ohne MWS

Informationen über die Norm:

Bezeichnung normen: CISPR 15-ed.9.0
Ausgabedatum normen: 15.5.2018
SKU: NS-848985
Zahl der Seiten: 153
Gewicht ca.: 490 g (1.08 Pfund)
Land: Internationale technische Norm
Kategorie: Technische Normen CISPR

Kategorie - ähnliche Normen:


Die Annotation des Normtextes CISPR 15-ed.9.0 :

CISPR 15:2018 applies to the emission (radiated and conducted) of radiofrequency disturbances from: - lighting equipment (3.3.16); - the lighting part of multi-function equipment where this lighting part is a primary function; - UV and IR radiation equipment for residential and non-industrial applications; - advertising signs; - decorative lighting; - emergency signs. Excluded from the scope of this document are: - components or modules intended to be built into lighting equipment and which are not user-replaceable; - lighting equipment operating in the ISM frequency bands (as defined in Resolution 63 (1979) of the ITU Radio Regulation); - lighting equipment for aircraft and airfield facilities (runways, service facilities, platforms); - video signs; - installations; - equipment for which the electromagnetic compatibility requirements in the radio-frequency range are explicitly formulated in other CISPR standards, even if they incorporate a built-in lighting function. The frequency range covered is 9 kHz to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified in this document. Multi-function equipment which is subjected simultaneously to different clauses of this document and/or other standards need to meet the provisions of each clause/standard with the relevant functions in operation. For equipment outside the scope of this document and which includes lighting as a secondary function, there is no need to separately assess the lighting function against this document, provided that the lighting function was operative during the assessment in accordance with the applicable standard. The radiated emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU, nor to any spurious emissions related to these intentional transmissions. Within the remainder of this document, wherever the term "lighting equipment" or "EUT" is used, it is meant to be the electrical lighting and similar equipment falling in the scope of this document as specified in this clause. This ninth edition cancels and replaces the eighth edition published in 2013 and its Amendment 1:2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) full editorial revision and restructuring; b) the restriction to mains and battery operation is deleted in the scope; c) radiated disturbance limits in the frequency range 300 MHz to 1 GHz have been introduced; d) the load terminals limits and the CDNE (alternative to radiated emissions) limits have changed; e) deletion of the insertion-loss requirements and the associated Annex A; f) introduction of three basic ports: wired network ports, local wired ports and the enclosure port; g) introduction of a more technology-independent approach; h) replacement of Annex B (CDNE) by appropriate references to CISPR 16-series of standards; i) modified requirements for the metal holes of the conical housing; j) new conducted disturbance measurement method for GU10 self-ballasted lamp; k) addition of current probe measurement method and limits for various types of ports (in addition to voltage limits and measurement methods); l) introduction of the term ‘module’ (instead of independent auxiliary) and requirements for measurement of modules using a host (reference) system; m) modified specifications for stabilization times of EUTs; n) for large EUT (> 1,6 m), addition of the magnetic field measurement method using a 60 cm loop antenna at 3 m distance (method from CISPR 14-1) as an alternative to the 3 m and 4 m LAS. Keywords: emission (radiated and conducted) of radiofrequency disturbance The contents of the Interpretation Sheet 1 of November 2019 have been included in this copy. CISPR 15:2008 concerne lemission (rayonnee et conduite) des perturbations radioelectriques: - des appareils declairage (3.3.16); - de la partie eclairage des appareils a fonctions multiples lorsque celle-ci est une fonction primaire; - des appareils a rayonnement ultraviolet et infrarouge destines aux applications domestiques et non industrielles; - des enseignes publicitaires; - de leclairage decoratif; - des enseignes durgence. Les appareils suivants sont exclus du domaine dapplication du present document: - les composants ou modules destines a etre integres dans des appareils declairage et qui ne sont pas remplacables par lutilisateur; - les appareils declairage fonctionnant dans les bandes de frequences ISM (telles que definies dans la resolution 63 (1979) du Reglement des radiocommunications de lUIT); - les appareils declairage des aeronefs et des installations aeroportuaires (pistes, installations de service, plateformes); - les enseignes video; - les installations; - les equipements pour lesquels les exigences relatives a la compatibilite electromagnetique dans la plage de radiofrequences sont formulees de maniere explicite dans dautres normes CISPR, meme sils possedent une fonction declairage integree. La plage de frequences couverte est comprise entre 9 kHz et 400 GHz. Aucune mesure nest necessaire aux frequences pour lesquelles aucune limite nest specifiee dans le present document. Les appareils a fonctions multiples qui sont simultanement couverts par differents articles du present document et/ou dautres normes doivent satisfaire aux dispositions de chaque article/norme, les fonctions concernees etant en fonctionnement. Pour les equipements qui ne relevent pas du domaine dapplication du present document et qui comportent un eclairage comme fonction secondaire, il nest pas necessaire devaluer separement la fonction declairage selon le present document, a condition que la fonction declairage soit en fonctionnement lors de levaluation conformement a la norme applicable. Les exigences demissions rayonnees indiquees dans le present document ne sappliquent pas aux transmi

Zugehörige Änderungen zu dieser Norm:

CISPR 15-ed.9.0/Amd.1 Änderung

Amendment 1 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
(Amendement 1 - Limites et methodes de mesure des perturbations radioelectriques produites par les appareils electriques d´eclairage et les appareils analogues)

Änderung herausgegeben am 8.7.2024

Ausgewählte Ausführung:

Alle technischen Informationen anzeigen

CISPR 15-ed.9.0/ISH1 Änderung

Interpretation Sheet 1 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment

Änderung herausgegeben am 14.11.2019

Ausgewählte Ausführung:

Alle technischen Informationen anzeigen



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