Die Norm IEC 62282-3-400-ed.1.0 16.11.2016 Ansicht

IEC 62282-3-400-ed.1.0

Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-400: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Small stationary fuel cell power system with combined heat and power output

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NORM herausgegeben am 16.11.2016

ZugänglichkeitAUF LAGER
Preis509.60 ohne MWS

Informationen über die Norm:

Bezeichnung normen: IEC 62282-3-400-ed.1.0
Ausgabedatum normen: 16.11.2016
SKU: NS-673111
Zahl der Seiten: 399
Gewicht ca.: 1228 g (2.71 Pfund)
Land: Internationale technische Norm
Kategorie: Technische Normen IEC

Kategorie - ähnliche Normen:

Fuel cells

Die Annotation des Normtextes IEC 62282-3-400-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62282-3-400:2016 applies to small stationary fuel cell power systems serving as a heating appliance providing both electric power and useful heat with or without a supplementary heat generator providing peak load function. This standard applies to fuel cell power systems that are intended to be permanently connected to the electrical system of the customer (end user). Direct connection to the mains (parallel operation) is also within the scope of this standard. This standard is limited to gas and liquid fuelled fuel cell CHP appliances that have a heat input based on lower heating value of less than or equal to 70 kW. This standard specifies the requirements for construction, safety, installation, fitness for purpose, rational use of energy, marking, and performance measurement of these appliances. This standard also provides regional and country specific requirements to facilitate the worldwide application of this IEC standard. LIEC 62282-3-400:2016 sapplique aux petits systemes a piles a combustible stationnaires utilises comme appareil de chauffage produisant a la fois une puissance electrique et une chaleur utile avec ou sans generateur de chaleur dappoint comprenant une fonction de charge de pointe. La presente norme sapplique aux systemes a piles a combustible destines a etre relies en permanence au reseau electrique du client (utilisateur final). Le raccordement direct au reseau (fonctionnement en parallele) releve egalement du domaine dapplication de la presente norme. La presente norme se limite aux appareils CHP a piles a combustible a alimentation gazeuse et liquide dont le debit calorifique est base sur un pouvoir calorifique inferieur ou egal a 70 kW. La presente norme specifie les exigences de construction, securite, installation, aptitude a lemploi, utilisation rationnelle de lenergie, marquage et mesurage des performances de ces appareils. La presente norme IEC fournit egalement des exigences regionales et specifiques au pays afin de faciliter son application mondiale.


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