Die Norm IEC 62705-ed.2.0 22.11.2022 Ansicht

IEC 62705-ed.2.0

Nuclear facilities - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Radiation monitoring systems (RMS): Characteristics and lifecycle

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NORM herausgegeben am 22.11.2022

ZugänglichkeitAUF LAGER
Preis243.50 ohne MWS

Informationen über die Norm:

Bezeichnung normen: IEC 62705-ed.2.0
Ausgabedatum normen: 22.11.2022
SKU: NS-1096151
Zahl der Seiten: 52
Gewicht ca.: 156 g (0.34 Pfund)
Land: Internationale technische Norm
Kategorie: Technische Normen IEC

Kategorie - ähnliche Normen:

Nuclear power plants. Safety

Die Annotation des Normtextes IEC 62705-ed.2.0 :

IEC 62705:2022 is available as IEC 62705:2022 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 62705:2022 gives requirements for the lifecycle management of radiation monitoring systems (RMS) and gives guidance on the application of existing IEC standards covering the design and qualification of systems and equipment. The purpose of this document is to lay down requirements for the lifecycle management of RMSs and give application guidance. This document is intended to be consistent with the latest versions of International Standards dealing with radiation monitors, sampling of radioactive materials, instruments calibration, hardware and software design, classification, and qualification. This document is applicable to RMSs installed in nuclear facilities intended for use during normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences (AOO), design basis accidents (DBA) and design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accidents (SA). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - modification of the title. - to be consistent with the categorization of the accident condition. - to update the references to new standards published since the first edition. - to update the terms and definitions. IEC 62705:2022 est disponible sous forme de IEC 62705:2022 RLV qui contient la Norme internationale et sa version Redline, illustrant les modifications du contenu technique depuis ledition precedente. LIEC 62705:2022 etablit les exigences en matiere de gestion du cycle de vie des systemes de surveillance des rayonnements (RMS) et fournit des recommandations relatives a lapplication des normes IEC existantes qui couvrent la conception et la qualification des systemes et des materiels. Le present document a pour objet detablir les exigences en matiere de gestion du cycle de vie des RMS et de fournir des recommandations dapplication. Le present document est destine a etre coherent avec les dernieres versions des Normes internationales relatives aux moniteurs de surveillance des rayonnements, a lechantillonnage des materiaux radioactifs, a letalonnage des instruments, a la conception des materiels et logiciels, au classement et a la qualification des systemes. Le present document sapplique aux RMS installes dans les installations nucleaires et destines a etre utilises pendant le fonctionnement normal, en cas dincident de fonctionnement prevu (IFP), lors daccidents de dimensionnement (DBA) et en conditions additionnelles de dimensionnement (DEC), incluant les accidents graves (SA). Cette deuxieme edition annule et remplace la premiere edition parue en 2014. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a ledition precedente: - le titre a ete modifie; - la categorisation des conditions accidentelles a ete harmonisee; - les references aux nouvelles normes publiees depuis la premiere edition ont ete mises a jour; - les termes et definitions ont ete mis a jour.


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